Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Deaf Culture Terminology

ADA: The 1990 Americans with Disabilities Act. This is one of the most important pieces of legislation, advocating the rights of deaf people, as well as other individuals with disabilities. It states that reasonable accommodation must be offered to people with disabilities as long as the accommodation is not an undue burden.
Alexander Graham Bell Association for the Deaf: Organization that promotes oralism and discourages sign language. The association has approximately 10,000 members, approximately 500 of whom are deaf. See also NAD.
ASL: American Sign Language.
Bi-Bi: Bilingual-Bicultural. An educational approach in which deaf students learn both ASL and English, focusing on ASL, which is easier to learn than spoken English for deaf children, then using the means of communication afforded by ASL to teach student English. Although this is considered to be a new approach to the education of deaf children since the shortcomings of Total Communication and Sim-Com have come to light, really the bi-bi philosophy has been around at least since Edward Minor Gallaudet, founder of Gallaudent University. He was a proponent of students learning both English and ASL.
C.A.S.E.: Conceptually Accurate Signed English.
CI: cochlear implant.
Closed Captioning: Captioning, or words on a screen similar to subtitles, that can be turned on and off, like on a television, unlike open captioning, like at movie theaters that offer open captioning, which is printed on the film of the movie and cannot be turned off. Under the Television Decoder Circuitry Act of 1990, all televisions 13 inches or larger sold in the U.S. after 1992 must have built in captioning decoder circuitry. Further, under the Telecommunications Act of 1996, all new programming on television and commercial videotapes used in the U.S. from 2004 must have closed captioning, with the exception of an undue burden cap of 2% of the producer's gross income. Unfortunately, this law goes unchecked all too often, and a lot of new television programming and commercial videotapes still do not have closed captioning. See also open captioning and reflective captioning.

CODA: child of Deaf adult(s). This term is usually applied to hearing individuals whose parent or parents are deaf, whereas Deaf individuals with Deaf parents are usually known by such terms as "Deaf of Deaf". Codas play a unique role in Deaf culture in that they are hearing yet still live in the Deaf community and understand to a great degree the challenges of the Deaf. Often codas become interpreters, and some have even become hearing mouthpieces for Deaf advocacy. It is also not unheard of for some codas to reject Deaf culture during adolescence only to embrace it again later as adults.
Cued speech: A system of hand shapes around the face used to show the different sounds of spoken language. Cued speech was developed 1966 by Dr. R. Orin Cornett at Gallaudet University to help deaf people learn to read English. See also MCE.
DPN: Deaf President Now. Protests held at Gallaudet University in 1988, protesting the installment of hearing a candidate who did not know sign language and had no experience with Deaf culture as the university president over qualified Deaf candidates. The Deaf President Now protests lead to the new president stepping down and the installation of the first deaf president, Dr. I. King Jordan, as well as greater awareness and advocacy of Deaf rights.
Finger Spelling: A set of hand shapes and motions that represent each letter of the alphabet. Also spelled fingerspelling.
Gallaudet University: The only university in the world dedicated to the education of the deaf. Located in Washington D.C., the university was founded in 1864. See also DPN.
Gestuno: An invented sign language, made in an attempt to create a universal sign language. Although Gestuno is only used at a few international gatherings, the myth that all sign language is universal has risen, even though there are over 200 different sign languages worldwide.
HH: hard of hearing. Same as HOH
HI: hearing impaired. You want to be careful when you use the term hearing impaired. Even though it was created to avoid offending deaf people by sounding politically correct, some deaf people take great offense to the term because they do not consider themselves to be impaired or disabled. Generally speaking, such individuals tend to be well rooted in the Deaf culture, whereas some deaf individuals who have lived outside of the Deaf culture may not see the term as offensive. Other terms to avoid include "deaf-mute" and "deaf and dumb." Although the term "dumb" refers to being unable to speak, not having low intelligence, the stigma of the homonyms still exists. Moreover, not all deaf people are mute; rather, many can speak so well that often hearing people refuse to believe they are deaf. (This in turn causes difficulties when people continually forget a deaf person cannot hear them because they can talk, and also when government employees refuse to give deaf persons benefits because they do not believe a person who is deaf could speak so well. Thus, many deaf people prefer not to speak in such situations so that people will understand that they are deaf.)
Home sign: a set or system of signs that is developed by a highly localized group and that is different than commonly known sign language. As the name suggests, home sign is sometimes developed between hearing parents and their deaf children.
IDEA: The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. Passed in 1975 and amended in 1990 in the ADA, this legislation guarantees the right to free and appropriate public education (FAPE) for all children, including deaf (or otherwise disabled) children. See also ADA.
MCE: Manually Coded English. Manually Coded English encompasses all of the various code systems used to show English through sign language. Some of the more well known MCEs include Signed English, SEE 1, SEE 2, cued speech, and the Rochester Method. In their book, A Journey in the DEAF-WORLD, Harlan Lane and his fellow authors describe MCE systems as "any of several signing systems invented by educators to represent words in English sentences using signs borrowed from ASL combined with signs contrived to serve as translation equivalents for English function words (articles, prepositions, etc.) and prefixes and suffixes" (270). MCEs are not languages; they are codes that represent the English language, whereas ASL and other sign languages around the world are actually languages, as first proven by renowned linguistics Dr. William Stokoe and Dr. Ursula Bellugi in 1960.
NAD: National Association of the Deaf. Founded in Ohio in 1880, the NAD is the U.S. representative organization in the WFD and has approximately 28,000 members, approximately 24,000 of whom are deaf. The NAD promotes sign language and speech. NAD board membership is limited to deaf persons. See also WFD and Alexander Graham Bell Association for the Deaf.
Open Captioning: Captioning, or words on a screen similar to subtitles, that cannot be turned on and off, like at movie theaters that offer open captioning, which is printed on the film of the movie and cannot be turned off, unlike open captioning on a television, which can be turned off. Movie theaters in the U.S. are not required to offer open captioned movies under Title II of the ADA. See also closed captioning and reflective captioning.

Oralism: A school of thought that encourages deaf people to learn to speak and lip read (see also "speech reading") rather than learn sign language. Proponents of oralism argue that it allows deaf people to interact with the hearing world. Opponents say that oralism is extremely difficult and that many deaf people are incapable of learning it. Oralsim proponents say that sign language "advertises" a person's disability and that the use of sign language makes deaf people not want to learn to speak, while opponents say that sign language is the natural language of deaf people.
Parameters of ASL: The characteristics of each sign in ASL that make it unique from all other signs in the language. The parameters are: 1) Hand Shape--how many fingers are extended and how, 2) Position--where the hand(s) are in relation to the body, 3) Movement--the way the hand(s) move, 4) Orientation--the direction that the palm of the hand faces, and 5) Expression--facial expression. Some argue that expression and body language are not a true parameter of the language because some but not all signs have specific facial expressions that differentiate them from other signs. One factor that is not addressed by these five parameters is the number of hands used in a sign, since there are some signs that have all five of these parameters identical but differ from other signs only by using one or both hands. The ASL parameters also do not address the existence of homonyms, which are found in all languages.
PSE: Pidgin Sign English or Pidgin Signed English. PSE is somewhat in the middle of the continuum between the conceptual ASL and English. Researchers have noted that a person's signing style changes depending on whom they are conversing with; two Deaf people signing together may use very conceptual sign, whereas when signing to a hearing person, their signing style can tend to become more pidginized towards English. Some hearing people who sign may not know ASL grammar well, but sign great PSE. PSE is also known as contact sign, or a contact language, referring to contact between people who speak different languages and how they use a pidgin to communicate. (A pidgin is a form of communication developed between people who speak different languages. Pidgins are used in many parts of the world, especially among linguistically diverse regions. Pidgins tend to use simplified grammatical structure and often include repetition of words. A pidgin, also known as a contact language, becomes a creole when a later generation learns the pidgin as their first language. English could be said to be a creole of Latin and a number of other languages.)
Real-time captioning: captioning provided on a computer screen for live speakers. Real-time captioning is sometimes used in such situations as classrooms, where a real-time captioner types out the instructor's lecture as it is delivered. Some deaf people prefer real-time captioning, while others prefer sign language interpreters or cued speech.

reflective captioning: Unlike closed captioning, which appears on a screen and can be turned on and off, and unlike open captioning, which appears on a screen and cannot be turned off, reflective captioning is showing the mirrored image of words at the back of a room so that individuals holding mirrors or reflective pieces of plastic can read the words as the watch the screen at the front of the room. Although this is not as good of an accommodation for those requiring captioning as open or closed captioning, it allows certain theater venues to provide captioning without having the captions on the screen. This is used at such places as the Arizona Memorial at Pearl Harbor. See also closed captioning and open captioning.
Residential schools: Schools founded specifically for the education of the deaf. Residential schools are often where deaf individuals are exposed to deaf adults who are fluent in ASL, thus giving them the opportunity to develop their signing skills. Residential schools are also where a great deal of Deaf culture has traditionally been passed down from one generation to the next. Due to mainstreaming, fewer and fewer deaf children are being educated in residential schools. See also LRE and mainstreaming.
Rochester Method: Fingerspelling every word, originally developed in Rochester, New York.
SEE 1: Seeing Essential English. An MCE system that breaks English words down and uses arbitrary signs to represent each part of the word based on their sounds. For example, the word "butterfly" could be signed using the separate signs for "butter" and "fly." This system was developed in 1966 by David Anthony, a deaf teacher at the Michigan School for the Deaf. See also MCE.
SEE 2: Signing Exact English. An MCE system that borrows many signs from ASL. Often, the SEE 2 sign for a word involves the same motion as the ASL sign except one or both hands will be in the shape of the finger spelling letter, which the English word starts with. However, SEE 2 signs show English words litterally; for example, in SEE 2 there is only one sign for "right" whether the word refers to direction, correctness, or privilege (Lane, 270). SEE 2 was developed in 1969 by Gerilee Gustason, a deaf professor at Gallaudet University. See also MCE.
Signed English: An MCE system that incorporates inflections for English verbs and articles. This system was developed in 1973 by Harry Bornstein, a hearing professor at Gallaudet University. See also MCE.

Sim-Com- or Simultaneous communication: Speaking and signing at the same time. Also known as sim-com or sign-supported speech. Many if not most people who are capable of signing and speaking prefer not to sign and speak at the same time because both the sign and speech suffer. Because ASL and English grammar are different, usually when people use sim-com, their signing tends to become more like PSE or SEE 2. However, signers who are capable of signing and speaking use sim-com at times, such as when addressing mixed groups of deaf and hearing people, especially when the hearing people do not know sign language.
Soda: spouse of Deaf adult. A term coined by Elaine VanOrman in 2003 who is hearing and whose husband is Deaf. This term could also be used to refer to someone is a sibling of a Deaf adult.
Speech Reading: The technically correct term for the commonly used phrase, "lip reading", since the activity of visually deciphering a person's speech involves observing more than just the lips.
TC: total communication. Using sign language, lip reading, and any other means of communication freely in order to accomplish the goal of communication. Total communication did not always have this definition; originally it meant signing and speaking at the same time, but as that definition does not technically fit the term, speaking and signing at the same time is now called simultaneous communication or sim-com. Some purport that as far as education, total communication does not live up to its concept of using all means of communication available, but rather in practice just becomes sim-com. See also simultaneous communication.
TTY: TeleTYpewriter or text telephone. Same as TDD. Of the two terms, TTY is more commonly used among the Deaf community, while the term TDD is used more in government legislation.
VP: video phone.
WFD: World Federation of the Deaf. Recognized and funded in part by the United Nations and the World Health Organization, the WFD was founded in Rome in 1951 and currently has 124 member nations. Only one organization is recognized in the WFD to represent each country. The NAD is the organization that represents the United States in the WFD. WFD board membership is limited to deaf persons

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Class on 7/30

In This Video:

 This video reviews words that we learned/ reviewed in class on July 30, 2013


Little bit
Successful/ It worked/ Finally
No (as in none)

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Hello, Friends!

Hello, everyone!!

So, you may have noticed that there are a LOT of new videos. 40 to be exact.

Yep, you read that right. 40 videos. And notice how they go from light in the background to dark? That's because we were outside for several hours shooting these videos. You will notice that Amiga appears in several, and as she was in a talkative mood, sometimes the random bird noise will interrupt. Just do your best to ignore. (; Moose Also makes an appearance in a few of the videos as well! It is amusing, that much is for sure. They aren't professional, but they are pretty stinking good, and easy to use to practice with.

The easiest way to view these videos is under the 'Video' tab at the top of the blog home page. I have done my best to separate them into categories, and you can just click on the different titles to view the various videos. For the ones that I have just posted, if you click the link to go to the post where the video is located, you will find a list of the specific words/concepts covered within the video. That way, if you are looking for a certain thing, you will be able to find where it is without having to watch every single video. I hope you find this useful!

I hope you guys enjoy them. Let me know if there is anything else I can do for you! I'm sad that this class is about to come to a close. But this will be an awesome tool for everyone to be able to use as we continue to move forward in our signing journeys!

It's been fun being in class together. Keep in touch!


Group- Empty, Forgot

In This Video:

This is a group of signs with the same handshape.


- Forgot
- Empty
- Naked
- Bald

Group- Summer, Ugly

In This Video:

This is a group of signs that have similar handshapes, area, and movement.


- Summer
- Ugly
- Dry
- Russian
- Black

Group- Animal, Young

In This Video:

This is a group of signs that originate at the shoulder area.


- Animal
- Young
- Old
- Have
- Tired
- Vacation
- Depressed
- Happy
- Excited

Group- Fine, Cool

In This Video:

This video is a grouping of signs that originate at the chest area.


- Fine ( as in 'I'm fine')
- Cool
- Fancy
- Formal

Group- Miss, Pickle

In This Video:

This is a group of signs that are all the same sign, but mean various things based on the context of the conversation.


- Miss (as in 'miss you')
- Disappointed
- Pickle
- Sour
- Candy

Groups- Family, Team

In This Video:

This video is about how to talk about groups, which is the same motion, but a change of handshape.


- Group
- Team
- Family
- Organization
- Class

Group- Vacation

In This Video:

This is a group of signs that deal with vacation.


- Vacation
- Retirement
- Spring Break
- Suspension
- Beach
- Mountain
- Weekend

Group- "Y" Handshape

In This Video:

This is a group of signs that use the 'y' handshape.


- Prize/ Trophy
- Cow
- Why
- Super fat
- Sumo wrestlers

People Adjectives

In This Video:

This is a grouping of several adjectives that you can use to describe people.


- Cute
- Pretty, Beautiful, Gorgeous
- Handsome
- Funny
- Fun
- Tall
- Short
- Fat
- Skinny
- Long/ Short Hair
- Ugly
- Plain
- Black
- Caucasian
- Hispanic

Group- Elbow Signs

In This Video:

This is a group of signs that originate around the elbow.


- Country (as in America)
- Country (farm country)
- Farm
- Poor
- Cheat
- Steal
- Fall (Autumn)
- Cracker

Group- "Bull" Handshape

In This Video:

This is a group of signs that all have the same handshape as the word 'Bull'. 


- Alcohol
- Sarcastic
- Bull
- BS
- Kids
- Rock on
- Mississippi

Specialty Time

In This Video:

These are extra words that are dealing with time that are not in the packet.


- A long time; Ever since I grew up
- Ago
- Forever
- On and on and on

Specialty Places

In This Video:

These are several places that came up during class that were not included on the original packet.


- Library
- Museum
- Europe
- Travel
- Mexico
- Hawaii
- Austrailia

Monday, July 29, 2013


In This Video:

These are signs that are related to money.


- Money
- Rich
- Poor
- Earn, Collect, Get
- Cents- Comes from head
- Dollar
- Check
- Pay
- Buy
- Shopping
- Borrow
- Bank
- Coins
- Save
- Vacation
- Retirement
- Store
- Shop
- Expensive
- Cheap
- Budget
- Bills
- Due
- Withdraw


In This Video:

These signs are related to skill and skill level.


- Skilled
- Professional
- Expert
- Soon
- Specific
- Almost
- Inept

Group- "U" Handshape

In This Video:

This is a group of signs that have the U handshape.


- Train
- Short
- Sit
- Salt
- Either/ Or
- Partner
- Name/ Called


In This Video:

These are a couple of foods and food-related words that we have gone over in class.


- Food
- Enough
- Full
- Coke
- Delicious
- Restaurant
- Cafeteria
- Favorite
- Ketchup
- Pepper
- Salt
- Cake
- Cookie
- Please
- Piece
- Pie
- Some
- Pizza
- Spaghetti
- Chicken
- Meat
- Grease
- Chocolate
- Vanilla


In This Video:

These are some feelings words that have come up during class that were not in our original packet.


- Overwhelmed
- Paranoid
- Hot (temperature, and person)
- Obsessed
- Stressed
- Hope

Life and Death

In This Video:

These are several words that fit into the category 'life and death' that we have used during class to describe various aspects of our lives.


- Born
- Birthday
- Presents
- Party
- Funeral
- Parade
- Bury
- Cemetary
- Life
- Survive
- Death


In This Video:

These are words that deal with religion.


- Jesus
- Bible
- Worship
- Sunday
- God
- Church
- Christian
- Religion
- Jewish

Time: Past, Present, Future

In This Video:

These are various words associated with showing time as in if it has already happened, is happening right now, or will happen in the future and when. 


- 1 Week, 2 Weeks, etc.
- Weekend
- Many weeks
- All day, all night
- 1 day, 2 days, etc.
- 2 Weeks ago
- 2 Weeks from now
- Next Week
- Now
- Today
- Yesterday
- 2 days ago, 3 days ago, etc.
- Last week
- Recently
- Happening for a long time
- Next month
- Every month
- Every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, etc.
- Then

Specialty Numbers

In This Video:

This video is about where numbers can be placed to indicate different things, such as years, time, age, etc. 


- Time- from the wrist
- Age- from chin
- Numbers- 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc.
- Years- 1 year, 2 years, every year
- Years- ex. 2013
- Money- Cents comes from the head


In This Video:

This video is about Non-Manual Classifiers. These are often dealing with facial expression and mouth movement in ways that will help you be more specific about what you are signing. They are actually required part of the signs.


- Big- cha!
- Thin- mouth movement
- Wow- Whew!
- Far- Lalalalala
- Very close- Purse lips
- Thin hair- Purse lips
- Super upset- Pffft!
- BS- Blow cheeks
- Pah!- I'm right!


In This Video:

This video is about how to ask for someone's age, as well as how to tell your age.


- Old how much you? (How old are you?)
- Telling age coming from chin
- Double number age- Bounce number


In This Video:

This is a collection of a couple of pronouns to help with pronoun concepts. 


- She
- Her
- He
- Him
- You
- Your
- Me
- My


In This Video:

This is a collection of select, more common prepositions.


- On
- Off
- In (side)
- Out (side)
- With
- Without
- Under
- Over
- Near
- Far

Past Tense

In This Video:

This video is all about how to add past tense to a word.


- Finish
- Come/ Came
- Go/ Went
- Have/ Had
- Do/ Did

ASL Words

In This Video:

These are signs associated with ASL.


- American Sign Language
- Sign
- Language
- Sentence
- Signed English
- Deaf
- Dorm
- Home
- Hearing
- Public
- Oh I see

Person Ending

In This Video:

This video is about how to add the person ending to a word, making it the person rather than the verb that it often is attached to.


- Person Ending
- Teacher
- Student
- Hairdresser
- Dancer

Positive, Negative

In This Video:

This video is a collection of several words that are opposites of each other, or positive and negative.


- Yes/ No
- Positive/ Negative
- Need
- Require
- Must
- Know/ Don't Know
- Like/ Don't Like

Take Care of

In This Video:

This video shows how to sign different things that have to do with taking care of something.


- Take care of
- Babysitting
- Dog sit
- Take Care
- Supervise
- Borrow


In This Video:

This video has signs for various animal names that we have talked about in class.


- Rabbit
- Butterfly
- Mouse
- Rat
- Seal
- Dog
- Cat
- Bird
- Frog
- Chicken
- Fish
- Goat
- Moose/ Deer
- Turkey
- Tiger
- Pig (Dirty)
- Squirrel

General Use Words

In This Video:

This video is a compilation of several general words that we have learned throughout the course of our time in class. 


- Come
- Came
- Move
- Travel
- Drive
- Fix
- Both
- Help
- See you later
- Show up
- See
- Some
- Go
- Went
- But
- Different
- For
- For for (What for?)
- With
- Get
- Collect/Earn

Specialty Grammar

In This Video:

These are specialty grammar signs that you would use when communicating with a deaf person in ASL.


- Oh I see
- For for? (What for?)
- Touch finish


In This Video:

Classifiers are certain hand shapes that are used to represent objects. You maintain the hand shape while describing the object in ways such as where it goes if it moves, what it looks like, etc. It helps to give a visual picture for the listener.


- Car/Vehicle
- People
- You- as used in participate, quit, etc.


In This Video:

These are all words that have to do with America as a country and the things we stand for and are common here.


- United States of America
- State
- North Carolina
- South Carolina
- New York
- Washington DC
- Delaware
- Texas
- Maine
- Pinecone
- Bonus
- Volunteer
- Mississippi
- California
- Capital
- Against the Law
- Law
- Free
- Peace
- Belong
- President
- Vice President


In This Video:

This video is a collection of color signs.


- Blue
- Green
- Orange
- Yellow
- Red
- Pink
- Brown
- Black
- Purple
- Tan
- Silver
- Gold
- White


In This Video:

This video is a collection of the various slang words that we have learned over the time in class together. Some are not very nice!


- Too bad
- Shut up
- Pissed off
- Turkey
- Brownie
- Super fat
- Pah! (In your face)
- Whatever
- Super crazy (not nice sign!)
- Shocked
- On and on and on
- Bawl out

Fingerspell Loan Signs

In This Video:

This video is a collection of several of the fingerspell loan signs that we have covered during class. Fingerspell loan signs are signs that don't have a specific sign, so the sign is the spelling of the word or a modified version of it.


- Pizza
- Early
- Job
- Dog
- Bank
- Common

*Ignore the bird noise. Silly Amiga (:


In This Video:

This video is about how to ask questions.


- Question(s)
- Question for you
- Question for me?
- Ask
- Rhetorical Why/Where
- Answer

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Class on July 2, 2013

Hey all!

For those of you who were in class, we had a great time! There were only 9 of us including Courtney, but we had a lot of fun! We missed all you hooligans who weren't there!

Basically, all that we did was go over our sentences that we had to do for homework and we reviewed everything that we had been over up to this point. We learned a few things that came from various sentences and such, but nothing groundbreakingly new.

The homework is to keep practicing! Practice is the only way to truly learn the language. I have learned more by just playing around and going over various words throughout the day as they come up than trying to just memorize. But maybe that's just me. Who knows! Whichever way you learn best, do that all week so you're brushed up and ready to move forward next week!

Keep your sentences because those of you (slackers) who weren't there tonight will have to get up and share them next week! And since you have an extra week they better be awesome! Courtney was impressed by us and our sentences tonight, if I do say so myself.

The videos with the randomness (I'm thinking about calling them the etc. videos... because it's all the little side notes of what happens during class!) will be coming soon. Courtney and I are both about to leave to go out of town, and we are both ultra busy during the week (Courtney more than me, with her 78439 jobs plus saving the world and such), so it's hard to coordinate schedules. But I promise we're working on it, and it will be up eventually. That being said, I'm going to be the no-show slacker next week, so if some of you could pretty pretty please take some good notes, it will help me greatly in getting the blog to be as accurate as possible.

If you need/want/think of anything else, just comment on here or text/email me or Courtney.

Happy 4th of July!!


Wednesday, June 26, 2013

To the Class:

Hi guys!

This is Sarah. I will be running this for the time being, until CS has a little bit more time on her hands (which is never... so this is my little project!) Ha! I'm very excited and running a blog is one of my favorite things. I think it's really fun and it is a way for all of us to connect and to have resources for the class and for our personal use readily available. That being said, this blog is for you guys. I really need some input on things you want to see on here, things you would like me to improve upon, whatever! Like CS said in class, giving me a thumbs up and a pat on the back wont get us anywhere! So, if you have any ideas and want to leave them in the comments section, I would be ever so grateful. But really. Please help me out here!

This week's videos are forthcoming, and the homework is already listed in the homework section. I hope you are all having a wonderful week!
